Organizational Model and Code of Ethics

Organizational Model and Code of Ethics – Legislative Decree 231/01

Rainbow has grounded its business and performs its every days activities in respect of core values of efficiency, correctness and loyalty.
For this purpose Rainbow has adopted the Organizational Model (“Model”) pursuant to the Italian D. lgs. n. 231/2001, that has introduced the administrative and criminal responsibility of entities for some criminal offences therein foreseen, updating and implementing its organization in compliance with such regulation.
The adopted Model consists of several elements such as: analysis of activities bearing potential risks, principles, rules and regulation of conduct, instruments of controls, procedures and protocols of controls, activities of training and information, disciplinary code, Supervisory Board (“Organismo di vigilanza”) and information flows. The Model mainly aim to prevent from any occurrence of the criminal offences indicated by the D. lgs. n. 231/2001.
The Organizational Model ex D. lgs. n. 231/2001 has been adopted by Rainbow with BoD resolution on March, 31st 2011.
Principles, dispositions and prescriptions of such a Model are binding for directors, employees and all persons operating for whatsoever reason on behalf and in the interest of Rainbow.
Rainbow has also adopted the Code of Ethics defining all values that have been duly recognized, accepted and shared at all levels during the performance of any company’s activities. Principles and rules included in the Code of Ethics are specifications of general duties of diligence, correctness and loyalty that connotes any execution of working activities, any behavior within the work environment and any activity of the company itself.
The Code of Ethics has been also adopted by Rainbow with BoD resolution on March, 31st 2011.
Additionally, pursuant to art. 6 par.1, b) of D. lgs. n. 231/2001 with same BoD resolution on March, 31st 2011 Rainbow has appointed a dedicated Supervisory Board disposing of powers of decision and control having the task of supervising functioning and respect of the Model, as well as its update on regular basis.

Download Legislative Decree 231/01 Model

Download Code of Ethics

Whistleblowing Procedure

Rainbow Group, in compliance with the Whistleblowing legislation, introduced with Law 30th of November 2017 n. 179 containing “Disposizioni per la tutela degli autori di segnalazioni di reati o irregolarità di cui siano venuti a conoscenza nell’ambito di un rapporto di lavoro pubblico o privato”, adopted an internal procedure governing the reporting by employees, customers, suppliers, consultants, collaborators, and any third party, of unlawful conduct (the “Whistleblowing Procedure”).
Following the approval of the aforementioned procedure and in compliance with the requirements indicated by the applicable law, Rainbow S.p.A. activated the following channels for the management of whistleblowing reports:

  • by email to be sent to the email inbox [email protected];
  • by written notification, to be sent in a sealed envelope with the indication of “CONFIDENTIAL”/”PERSONAL” to the address: Via Brecce SNC, LORETO (AN);
  • by online platform accessible via the company intranet (for employees) and the Whistleblowing Platform, which guarantees the confidentiality of the reporting person and the report.
    By reporting through the Whistleblowing Platform that the Company activated, there are many advantages for your safety and for confidentiality:
  • the report is made by filling out a form and can be sent anonymously;
  • the report is received by Rainbow S.p.A. ODV (“Organismo di Vigilanza”) and managed in order to guarantee the confidentiality of whistleblower;
  • the platform allows dialogue, even anonymously, between the whistleblower and the ODV for requests of clarifications or information, without providing personal contacts;
  • reporting can be made from any digital device (PC, tablet, smartphone) both from within the Company and from outside. The protection of anonymity is guaranteed in all circumstances.

For more information, Rainbow’s Whistleblowing Procedure is available in the relevant folder within the company Intranet or at the following link:

Download Whistleblowing Procedure